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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Meritocracy and Societal Systems Schema

A perception of relationships between society and individual personal struggle, a heat-of-the-moment-at-2am pet theory

While pondering in a usual whining tone the worth of smart people trying to make something for themselves, and of stupid spoiled ones not breaking a sweat to have more than a decent living, my mind decided to stop being a perpetuation machine of "boo-fucking-hoo" and distanced itself. And then, this pretty(ish) form popped into my mind. Needs work, definitely, but I thought I'd plant it here and come back later to see whether it'll grow into something useful.

Observations/ Armchair hypotheses

1. The less perplexed and/or corrupt the "system", the lower the return gains from Cunning become

2. The more meritocratic the system, the higher the return gains from Talent become

3. Effort acts in a multiplicative manner to both Talent and Cunning

4. In a complex enough system, there may be a dual meritocratic channel through which both Talent and Cunning can have return gains with equal Reward and/or Satisfaction

5a. The higher the Legacy return gains, the lower the meritocracy of the "System", and the higher the nepotism.

5b. Across generations, the sum of Talent and/or Cunning * Effort becomes Legacy

5c. Initially meritocratic "Systems" tend to become nepotistic, unless Legacy is render to act multiplicative to Talent and/or Cunning, as Effort is.

Feel free to contribute, jest, flame, comment.

I will have to operationally define return gains, meritocracy, corruption etc in time, but right now I don't think I have it.


The Fickle Goddess

You know you have allowed someone to be your goddess lover when all your fables change and twist to better suit the existence of her in your mind.

Friday, September 7, 2012


The ink of your existence bears a semblance of the astral bodies that swim in the stoic ether. Only in what I could regard as the playful humming of electrons can I pull the curtain from the eyes that lust for a greater view, the view that shrinks my troubles into a ridicule.