A perception of relationships between society and individual personal struggle, a heat-of-the-moment-at-2am pet theory
While pondering in a usual whining tone the worth of smart people trying to make something for themselves, and of stupid spoiled ones not breaking a sweat to have more than a decent living, my mind decided to stop being a perpetuation machine of "boo-fucking-hoo" and distanced itself. And then, this pretty(ish) form popped into my mind. Needs work, definitely, but I thought I'd plant it here and come back later to see whether it'll grow into something useful.
Observations/ Armchair hypotheses
1. The less perplexed and/or corrupt the "system",
the lower the return gains from Cunning become
2. The more meritocratic the system, the higher the return
gains from Talent become
3. Effort acts in a multiplicative manner to both Talent and
4. In a complex enough system, there may be a dual
meritocratic channel through which both Talent and Cunning can have return
gains with equal Reward and/or Satisfaction
5a. The higher the Legacy return gains, the lower the meritocracy of the "System", and the higher the nepotism.
5b. Across generations, the sum of Talent and/or Cunning * Effort becomes Legacy
5c. Initially meritocratic "Systems" tend to become nepotistic, unless Legacy is render to act multiplicative to Talent and/or Cunning, as Effort is.
Feel free to contribute, jest, flame, comment.
I will have to operationally define return gains, meritocracy, corruption etc in time, but right now I don't think I have it.